1 bass modulation effect

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1 bass modulation effect

So you're playing bass and have to choose 1 modulation effect, what would it be?
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

Does more fuzz count?

For reals though, envelope filter can be really cool, and some people are doing some cool stuff with a pog

Maybe a little chorus with overdrive for that Death From Above sound
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

In reply to this post by kirshman
I think I would vote for the EHX Talking Machine or their Ring Thing. With some experimenting you can get a lot from either. Also, they both have memories and CV in.
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

There are many non-DIY-able EHX circuits that apply to this thread.
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

More fuzz doesn't count.  :-)  my father in law has that covered, i built him a blueberry and a green russian, and he likes those.  he just asked me to build him "something modulation" for his birthday.  So its gotta be DIY too.  He's liked the fuzz and od, but I think something on the simpler to learn to use well side would be good here.  Should have been more specific in op.
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

Ciaran Haslett
Autowah!  Has to be autowah.  Hours of fun lost to these things.  Snow White is a great example.  Shouldn't be too hard to convert to bass specs.  Or the Nurse Quacky or Dr Q.

And giving his age...maybe a chorus ala Mark King.  Always hated chorus ads for how it instantly dates a bass tone to the 80s but hey, if it's need edits needed
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

I've been thinking long and hard about this. Typically I've only used OD's and fuzzes with my bass until recently. I've been on a major phasor kick, so my vote would be something like a phase 90 with depth control. Sounds gorgeous and lush, I can really nail the bassline in fourtysix and 2. I would also say a small stone chorus. Just gorgeous watery chorus, super classic.
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

Silver Blues
I vote envelope filter and I suggest the SWAW, it's a sweeeeeet filter. These things get a lot of use in a variety of genres and it would do him well to have a good one.
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

I'm a big fan of the Meatball, but that's anything but simple to use. I think it's just a modded out Mutron envelope filter. If there's one trick worth stealing from the Meatball, it's the effects loop. That is ESSENTIAL to me
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

In reply to this post by rocket88
rocket88 wrote
I would also say a small stone chorus. Just gorgeous watery chorus, super classic.
you have to go a long way to beat that joy division era peter hook clone theory thing. especially at the top end. with a bucket load of reverb. classy.
am waiting for my lectrix-fx vintage clone theory pcb as i write. air not sea i hope.
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

I just made this journey: I'm not a modulation guy, but I really needed to find a good modulation pedal for bass. I've tried all the tremolos available (and though it's an harmonic vibrato) and almost kept a Catalinbread Pareidolia clone...

Built a Harbinger One from Madbean (Univibe clone), a Zombie Chorus, a Tremshifter...

And finally, I built recently a Mutron Phasor II, I'm keeping this one!
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

forgot I recorded a quick soundclip:


Kramer bass -> Blowerbox -> Phasor II
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

In reply to this post by kirshman
I use a tremolo and play when the volume is at it's lowest to give a cool throbbing effect.  Other than that, I don't use any mods whatsoever.
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Re: 1 bass modulation effect

In reply to this post by kirshman
EHX Bassballs is solid, but nothing beats a Maestro Filter Sample/Hold for pure fun.