100W Guitar Amplifier Mk II

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100W Guitar Amplifier Mk II

Would really like to build this. If someone could could vero the power amp and the preamp and the power section that would really be great. Thank you.
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Re: 100W Guitar Amplifier Mk II

You do realize that many resistors are rated are rated at 1 and 5 watts.
I'm not an expert, but something of this magnitude isn't going to work on vero and that many amps are build using something other than vero.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: 100W Guitar Amplifier Mk II

It could be built on vero, but I have a few concerns. My first concern is size. As Chris said, the wattage of the resistors is going to be 1watt or higher, which means the size of the resistor will be that much larger. This make the board that much larger since some of the components will be larger. My second concert would be cross talk between the components. In the care of amp circuits you want to prevent crosstalk so it's important to have components isolated from eachother otherwise the circuit will become noisey. Using a pcb or turretboard would eliminate all issues.
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Re: 100W Guitar Amplifier Mk II

Turretboard - That was it, the word I was at loss to spit out.
Meh, must be too much soldering

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: 100W Guitar Amplifier Mk II

I was thinking 3 different boards. I am mainly after the power amp and power supply section. There is also this one at http://www.redcircuits.com/Page100.htm.

On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Chris60601 [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Turretboard - That was it, the word I was at loss to spit out.
Meh, must be too much soldering

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
Instagram: cds60601

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