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+/- 12v from an ICL7660S? don't want to use regulators

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+/- 12v from an ICL7660S? don't want to use regulators

149 posts
hey guys, i'm trying to recreate a eurorack module into a pedal and it needs +/-12v power. i have all the parts except any regulators so i really don't want to have to order some. i notice the main site has +/-18v and 15v by proxy from switching the diodes. i know there must be a way to get +/-12v, anyone have a clue?
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Re: +/- 12v from an ICL7660S? don't want to use regulators

1993 posts
Zener diode!
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Re: +/- 12v from an ICL7660S? don't want to use regulators

613 posts
In reply to this post by adapt
I've used a different one for That Jam Compressor on the main page.
( http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.fr/2016/04/that-jam-compressor.html )
It's designed not to create any noise.
A bit more complicated but there are no regulators.
(You can find it at the bottom of this FSB link: http://freestompboxes.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=9287 )
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Re: +/- 12v from an ICL7660S? don't want to use regulators

Neil mcNasty
415 posts
In reply to this post by adapt
Sounds like an interesting project you got going there...!
May I ask what kind of Eurorack Module you are converting into a pedal?
...and also: do you use any boost/converter to create a good Line/Mic Signal for the circuit, or does it work well without?

Been looking at the Eurorack stuff, regarding building preamps and effects for my studio, and I've also been looking for different ways of merging gear from the guitar world with studio/synth gear + the other way around, expanding the varieties of what I can get out of my gear.

One thing though that popped into my mind regarding using Alex's example/link (which is a very good charge pump/inverter), was the fact that (many of) these solutions only provide 100mA current output, so make sure that this is enough to power the circuit...
Does anyone know if there is any inverter IC's that can be used in this circuit, that has the ability to put out a bit more than 100mA...? Like 200-300mA?
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Re: +/- 12v from an ICL7660S? don't want to use regulators

149 posts
yeah, it's gonna be a VCF in pedal format, i forgot where the schematic was originally from, but it's called a "diode filter"

the LT1054 link that the guy before you posted is supposed to be high current. if worse comes to worse i guess i can use a 12v supply though this is less than ideal.