1776 effects

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1776 effects

I just have to make a plug for a PCB builder I found via Madbean -- I'm hesitant to share because I don't want him to sell out, but his 3pdt daughter boards are the bee's knees. They're pricier than some others at about $1.50 each, but I love em, they are super easy to hook up, and I don't think I'll ever build a box without one again.

He's also got some great PCB layouts for delay and reverb:


It's run by a guy named Jonathan who ships em out super fast and they come pretty quick.

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Re: 1776 effects

I just realized the company name may be offensive to those of you from the UK, so hopefully you can look past the reference to the American War of Independence... :)
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Re: 1776 effects

I use his boards for all my builds.  Great service
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Re: 1776 effects

I've started to use them too. I'm a fan.