2 effects in one box

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2 effects in one box

Peter Venkman
I'm thinking of putting two fects in one box. I understand the wiring of two ion one enclosure but can anyone recommend how I would wire the pedal so that the first effect has a foot switch and when intirn it off it bypasses and goes to the next effect, and I can turn that on and of with another foot switch, I understand that part. But what if like to do is be able to put a third foot switch in between the two effects that would essentially route the first effect to a separate out put, and the second effect to the normal out put, so you could utilize the first effect into the second, both as stand alone effects, both effects on, but split between two output channels. I'd also like it to be possible to get the bypassed tone through one of the out puts while the effects are engaged in whatever configuration I'm using.

Maybe just have 3 out put jacks, 3 foot switches, 2 effects boards, and maybe a volume control for the clean channel. I dunno, I just did a variation of the DBA Reverberation Machine but used an actual reverb chamber from an old session rockets that I modified to make it shorter in length. Wanted to put it into a 1590bb but it's too big. If I use the largest enclosure I think I could add another effect because I would have plenty of room left over.
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Re: 2 effects in one box

Peter Venkman wrote
....a third foot switch in between the two effects that would essentially route the first effect to a separate out put, and the second effect to the normal out put, so you could utilize the first effect into the second, both as stand alone effects, both effects on, but split between two output channels.

I'd also like it to be possible to get the bypassed tone through one of the out puts while the effects are engaged in whatever configuration I'm using.
The first part is essentially series/parallel switching: There are a schematics out there that show series/ parallel switching for fx loops, which is the same principle but with the output of one "loop" going to a separate output rather than being blended back in with the other to a single output. The only issue with two fx in parallel is that if the input impedance is radically different across the two fx, they can interact and adjustment of one affects the sound of the other. This is easily solved by buffering the guitar at input, or maybe even just a pair of input resistors.

If you want to tap another clean output, a buffer is probably better and the three different outputs (to clean, fx1 and fx2) will not load each other. If you were wanting to be a bit fancy, you could make the clean output so it had a blend control each for fx1 and fx2 so you could blend the levels of all three in parallel to a single output with a master volume control. What effect are you looking to put alongside the reverb? You might want to get a single 4pdt and try it out as an order switcher AKA juggler, i.e single input, single output only, but three footswitches with a bypass for each fx and a third footswitch to have fx1 or 2 first in the chain: might be very cool with reverb and is a simpler build.
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Re: 2 effects in one box

Peter Venkman
This juggler you speak of is exactly what I want to do, but have never heard of it before.

The reverb pedal is a miss mash of a few parts of different pedals because I'm not into making clones. It's basically a cross of the DBA Reverb Machine, the Rub-aDub, and the cave dweller. Instead of using the BTDR2H I'm using the bigger longer verb brick. It won't fit into the 1590bb so I'm going to have to use the 1590dd. There's tons of room left for another 3 knob pedal and 2 more foot switches. The reverb circuit has 3 pots and a DPDT.
I was going to just set it up using the standard double effect wiring diagram, but I'm not sure what the other effect will be. What ever it is it will be on the Right side of the enclosure, and the reverb on the left.

I was thinking just wire the input to run into the first pedal, and then have the output split in someway to bypass the reverb, but also have a way to run the first pedal into the reverb, but without the hassle of adding blend knobs. Like if I could turn on the first pedal and have it run into the second circuit (the reverb) or use a switch to send the clean tone into each pedal separately so the guitar goes through both effects but the two effects aren't blended on the output. Being able to switch the order with a foot switch in between the effect would be great but not necessary if it's super complicated to learn or draw out like the other layouts on here.

I like the idea of having the option to have a blend option for the bypassed signal, to sort of layer that ontop of two effects in the box without decreasing the bypassed signal or losing it behind a wall of effects. I thought I could just wire the input jack directly to an output jack with a simple amp or boots circuit and single volume knob so I could dial back the clean tone on one output. Omitting a clean channel switch completely, but having a switch that would allow me to turn on each effect independently, so the first effect can run into the reverb, or I can swap the order around with a switch in the middle. So there would only be a need for two outputs. Which is fine since my amp has 5 inputs.

Tell me more about this juggler. Is there a layout or wiring diagram for this? If so can you point me towards it. That would be awesome and much appreciated.
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Re: 2 effects in one box

The juggler is a term coined by RG keen at geofx many years ago. Here is a link to the article:


I built one using a 4PDT switch using Beavis's wiring diagram, but added a true bypass switch for each fx loop:


It is very useful if you have two effects that you want to box together but want the possibility of swapping the order, but it will quickly become complex if you want to add separate outputs for different fx, or add series/parallel functionality: I've been musing over such an "uberlooper" pedal for years now, but have resigned myself accepting that it probably cannot be done with passive hardware switches without a number of redundancies on certain switches in certain configurations, and that some kind of digital logic control would be necessary.