2N1308 Source

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2N1308 Source

I'm looking at building a few of the BJFE pedals, but a lot of them use the 2N1308s - does anyone have a good source for these? I'm looking on ebay and £15 for 10 doesn't seem too outrageous but are these just a substitute for the real thing?


Will it make a noticeable difference if I just use an AC128 instead?
In the UK. Cheers!
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Re: 2N1308 Source


2n1308 is npn so you need something like ac176, or maybe even better, some AF series transistor. Still, most low leakage npns (is low leakage npn an oxymoron? ) should do
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Re: 2N1308 Source

Cheers, do you think the trannies in that ebay link are worth a go?
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Re: 2N1308 Source

Hey, for anyone interested I ended getting these off ebay - 10 for £1.25 each.
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Re: 2N1308 Source

Nice! How are they testing out?