2N5952 matching voltages

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2N5952 matching voltages

   I am looking to build a Phaser, I would like to know what is the voltage range of the 2N5952,
 Is the actual Voltage range important, eg: 1.5 to 4.5 or is it just important to get 4 the same as each other irrespective of what voltage they are.

Regards Peter
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Re: 2N5952 matching voltages

Link to geofex article on jfet matching


Also from the Madbean Nonnom phaser build doc:

· You want to find the closest matching voltage readings on these transistors. At least within 5% of one another, although I generally shoot for 1% or less. So, if a device reads 0.75vDC, I would look for another one that measures 0.74
to 0.76v.
· You may find several matches over different groups of readings. If so, great! Gather them up in groups of two or four and save them for future builds. Set aside your four best matched transistors for the NomNom.

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Re: 2N5952 matching voltages

First, build this:

(I built the second layout, without the op amp, and it works great with my DMM).

Then get about 10 or 20 2N5952s and measure them all.  Choose the four which are closest in Vp.

Or you can buy matched sets from eBay:
