3 effects in 1 box with dip switch order switcher idea

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3 effects in 1 box with dip switch order switcher idea

I'm wanting to save space on my board, as well as jacks and cables so I decided to box 3 of my newly built boxes into one 1590DD or something. I'm doing a Keeley 4 knob into a Klon into a Hotcake and I thought it would be cool to be able to switch the order of them to see what happens with different setups. I came up with this design: 3in1switcher.jpg - and was wondering if anyone had any feedback or suggestions. I'm thinking a 12 position dip switch with 3 pins in for each effect and the input jack, then for each set of 3 pins you choose which one it goes to, either A,B,C, or out (but not itself). For example you could go input jack to B, then B goes to C, then C goes to A, then A goes to output jack. In my design pic this would be pins 2, 6, 8, and 10 would be on and the signal would go from Input to 2 to B to 8 to C to 10 to A to to 6 to out. Does this make sense and will it work? Also I'm pretty new at this so are there any other considerations I need to be aware of when boxing 3 together?