3 effects in one enclosure order switch

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3 effects in one enclosure order switch

Hi all, apologies if this has already been covered here before. I'm building a multi box with 3 effects in one box. Ive seen diagrams showing how to change the order of effects with 2 effects but can't see how to do this with 3. Sorry if it's a dumb question and I've missed something obvious but any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Ian.
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Re: 3 effects in one enclosure order switch

I'm not sure there is a "simple" way to do it - two is easy, three is hard.

Am I right you want to be able to switch any pedal in any order?

You could easily use two 4PDT switches to get (with LED indication):

Switch 1 (switching between A and B).


Switch 2 (switching between B and C).

It may be possible to use another switch to put C first in the chain, but it's making my head explode trying to figure it out!

Alternatively, you could go the programmeable route, and use a PIC or Arduino controller to get all possible order combinations. Then you can use just one 6-way rotary switch for order switching.

This can give you:


This should be a piece of cake to implement - but only if you know how to programme!
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Re: 3 effects in one enclosure order switch

Thanks Beaker, much appreciated. Will check out the 4pdt options I think. Still gives plenty of options.
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Re: 3 effects in one enclosure order switch

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
months ago i had that same thought..
may i say my honest opinion...???

i would go with external jacks, and then using sort cables i would do my job...
(but you could say after that, "why not building 3 separated boxes?")

unless it is a customers "wish", or you just want to make the order change on the fly using stomp 4pdts, it is a time consuming and complicated task...
again that's just my opinion..
cheers and good lack