3 options clipping switch

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3 options clipping switch

Hi. Is it possible make a offboard switch with 3 options of clipping? Someone have schematic or diagram?
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Re: 3 options clipping switch

3 options as 2 options of clipping plus diode lift? Usually an on-off-on DPDT switch wired as follows:


Lugs 1 and 4 wired to one set of clipping diodes, same with lugs 3 and 6, lugs 2 and 5 wired to the board and back.

3 options, as in 3 actual options of 3 different sets of clipping diodes? That I don't know.
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Re: 3 options clipping switch

Don't think there's a way doing it with a toggle switch. Gotta get to rotary.
One forum search later I found this by Ivlark! May be a little too much though:P

Here is a thought, haven't tried it, it just came to me. How about using a on-on-on DPDT like this? Would that work or would there be any complications?
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Re: 3 options clipping switch

In reply to this post by Muadzin
You can use a DPDT centre-off for three positions if you arrange it so the clippers with the highest Vf across the common lugs: If you put lower vf pairs on the outer throws, the lower "threshold" pair will conduct and (reputedly) nothing will flow through the higher pair. So you would put LEDs across the centre, then Si and Ge pairs on the outer lugs.

If you get a DPDT "on-on-on" you can have it operate as a 3PST by linking lug 2 and 4 - lug 2 becomes the common, lug 4 5 and 3 become the 3 poles.
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Re: 3 options clipping switch

In reply to this post by Muadzin

Yes, with two sets i know, but i read about 3 modes.


I think the diagram you posted work like a sum of combinations, no?


I read you comment a lot of times, but i cant understand exactly what you say. Do you have a diagram of it? Is it similar to the diagram posted by Zanius?

Thanks guys.