3PDT circuit possible?

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3PDT circuit possible?

Hi guys,

Apologies if this has been asked before. I was wondering if it were possible to mimic the effect of a 3PDT foot switch with a small circuit so that you could use a 2 pin on/off switch and retain the multiswitching/true bypass features? Basically like a plug and play replacement.

I'm bored of the old faithful and I just can't seem to find any other 9 pin switches, there does seem to be a diverse selection of 2 pin though, could they be used effectively?

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Re: 3PDT circuit possible?

Silver Blues
Yeah, true bypass relays. I'm kind of a nerd for these and maintain these are many times better than the mechanical nine-pins. My circuit of choice is this however there are a number of different ones available. I have also used Mictester's circuit which is almost but not quite as good. The PaulInTheLab system somewhere else on this site works but I wouldn't use it due to repeatedly reported issues with popping. I am also testing a microcontroller-driven system from FSB that I'll have to get back to all of you on.

But yeah the OSH Park Andy Relay is an excellent system and would be the first thing I'd recommend. Keep in mind though that the silkscreen is wrong (here's the correct arrangement).
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Re: 3PDT circuit possible?

Incredible, thank you so much for your help!
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Re: 3PDT circuit possible?


I'm having a look at the circuit you pointed, Silver Blues. I really don't understand how it works... with 9V on both coil contacts... is there a schematic associated with this board/layout?
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Re: 3PDT circuit possible?

OK, OK... this relay has 2 coils... the pinout is NOTHING like I thought it was...
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Re: 3PDT circuit possible?

Silver Blues
Haha yeah, I almost put a single coil relay in this board the first time I used it and was so glad I caught that before I did. I'll also give you a tip in that the NEC EA2-5TNFG that can be found on eBay work nicely in this circuit and are cheaper than the Panasonic relay it calls for.
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Re: 3PDT circuit possible?

didn't see your reply, thanks for the tip!