3Times champ build

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3Times champ build

Sorry for lack of clarity. Webcam photos
Started off today by cutting traces. May finish it tomorrow evening.. Would be most probably add a big muff tone stack with gain recovery stage also.. Will be using BF245C's don't know how it will sound. Finger's crossed...
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Re: 3Times champ build

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Way behind schedule.. But finished the board tonight..
Hope it came out good...
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Re: 3Times champ build

So how did this one turn out for you? Work?

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: 3Times champ build

Haven't powered it up yet... Needs biasing n all... Will tell how it sounds... Finger's crossed....
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Re: 3Times champ build

Powered it up tonight.. Only getting a loud hum and crackles... Biased it approximately according to the notes.. Any help guys? Will post detailed voltage readings by tomorrow if i get time... And i used BF245C from Fairchild.