4MS Nocto Loco

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4MS Nocto Loco

Hey guys, really enjoying the site. Having just gotten into pedal building its exciting to be able to build all sorts of crazy pedals. I'm just wondering if anyone would be able to put together a layout for the 4MS Nocto Loco pedal?

Here is the link to the schematic: http://www.commonsound.com/nocto/pcb1.2/schematic.pdf

It's a crazy fuzz/octave/tremolo contraption, used by the band ASH.

here's a video of it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2tYSVKeZcE

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Re: 4MS Nocto Loco

Hi Eric!
I've done a layout for it a while ago but I've never built it.
With 3 IC's and all those switches the board came out quite big.
I will have to find the time to fix that and I will upload it.
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Re: 4MS Nocto Loco

In reply to this post by eric90000
That's an interesting circuit.  I'll do this at some point in the near future
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Re: 4MS Nocto Loco

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In reply to this post by eric90000
Hi Eric.
Here it goes.
It's not verified yet.

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Re: 4MS Nocto Loco

Apologies, for some reason I'm only seeing this now. Thanks a lot for that! I'll certainly give it a go and see what happens. :)