So I've done the 555 Voltage doubler, but I've been experimenting with a schematic I've found and so far the results are great. I've attached the schematic, and I would be willing to do a layout, but I'm not super great at them. I've gotten 27V out of a 9V supply and it's only 4 more parts than the MAX1044 with same results. I've not done super thorough testing for noise, but the initial results are dead quiet in my signal path.'ve made a few simple modifications...there's a 10n cap in series from pin 5 to ground and R1 and R2 values are more in line with your NE555 Voltage Doubler and C1 is actually two 10n caps in series for 5n. Gets my oscillation frequency up in the 40k range I think. I also put a filter cap between the output and ground.
Anyway, not sure if I'm way off my rocker here, or if this should be a good alternative to the $3 MAX1044 chip. Thoughts?