6 outputs AMZ splitter => weird hum

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6 outputs AMZ splitter => weird hum

hi everybody,

I've built a 6-way splitter based on AMZ splitter design:


here's the vero for it:

it works OK BUT (I'm not crazy, I'm just telling you the facts  ):

-> when it's powered from a 9V supply (12VAC => diode bridge => 9V regulator) on it's own and nothing is plugged in the input, there is a loud hum

-> when I plug a passive instrument in the input, everything is fine as long as the volume control on the instrument is at max position (otherwise, the hum comes back!)

-> when I plug an active instrument, everything is fine...

-> when I use a daisy chain cable to power it (even if nothing else is powered by the daisy chain), everything is fine...

The 7 (1 in/6out) jack plugs are isolated, so I ran a ground bus wire to connect all the sleeves together, one of which is connected to the chassis, too.

I'm not asking for a solution, here (I'm experimenting different things), but I really wouldn't mind any advice/suggestion on what the heck might be going on!

Thanks in advance!
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Re: 6 outputs AMZ splitter => weird hum

Jesus... it's embarrassing, it seems related to the instrument cable... wtf...
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Re: 6 outputs AMZ splitter => weird hum
