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8 ohm Tank Reverb Driver Circuits

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8 ohm Tank Reverb Driver Circuits

65 posts
This post was updated on Nov 22, 2021; 2:51pm.
If you're like me, and you've been on a mission to cheaply create a decent opamp spring reverb, then hopefully you can benefit from this. I've messed with the blue Accutronics tanks (and I've got veros for the 600 ohm "E" tank designs if you're interested), and frankly they leave a lot to be desired. Surfy Bear's design is too complex, the Spaceman Orion has weird hard-to-find parts... you probably already know all of this. So u/Bentfishbowl (who does wonderful stuff!) on Reddit adapted some of the designs outlined on ESP's website, and you can read all about it and see the schematics here.

I came across an old Deluxe Reverb tank recently and decided to build an 8-ohm driver for it. I built the basic circuit that is 1:1 with the 8 ohm schematic and it sounds fabulous. It has to run off bipolar +/-9, which I included, and it has plenty of clean headroom. I added a dry switch to the layout, but I chose to  replace that with a 10k pot to get complete control over the dry and wet signals separately. If you want more volume you could add an LPB-1 or something to the end, but it will amplify the reverb noise, so I chose to skip it.. I have built and verified this layout, Enjoy!!