9V Battary Guitar amps projects

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9V Battary Guitar amps projects

Tune Tone
I'm looking for a pretty easy soldering project circuit that will run on 9V battery. Something simple like a on/off switch, volume knob, maybe a clean / dist switch. Something fairly small that I can fit into old metal boxes would be awesome!
Someone can lead me to one of those ?

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Re: 9V Battary Guitar amps projects

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hey tune tone, there are a few here


the ruby and the noisy cricket appear to be much respected designs among those who like these things.

you may also want to consider this one, which appears to be a combination-hybrid of both.

the website is set out like a designer's notebook. a visual feast of ideas and images. definitely worth a look.


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Re: 9V Battary Guitar amps projects

In reply to this post by Tune Tone
Ruby amp is an awesome and easy to build! Here my version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K85vVlI-V_M