A Heavily Modified Orange Squeezer

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A Heavily Modified Orange Squeezer


"the Amber Press

this is a heavily modified orange squeezer redesigned to run at line level and now includes attack, release, threshold, ratio, input volume, output volume and bias controls. the power can also now be run from any DC source up to a single +44vdc or +/-22v bipolar depending on the IC you use ( check the datasheet) the IC can be substituted with any of the usual options TL072, 4558, etc... and they should all a slightly different sound. the attack does not have a huge range but other then that it came out quite nice. the original OS was a very dark preset feedback compressor that was designed for sustain and a tiny bit of attack control for guitar. with the new version i cleaned it up tremendously and made it a lot more transparent and reactive, though it still has a lot of character. if you would like to darken in back up all you have to do is increase the size of C1 to taste, maybe add a few caps on switches so you can have more options, 100n and 1u are good starting points"