A big thank you!

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A big thank you!

Guys -

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that posts questions, answers and projects.
I have learned soooo bloody much over the past 3 months and with the very few questions I have asked, I have been treated with respect and a "no question is a silly one" type of attitude - AWESOME.

So with that, just wanted to say I completed my 8 pedal last night, the English Channel. Had some issues but reading through the links for that project, I was able to work out the kinks. Love the way this sounds!

With the help of you all - I am progressing with my goal of removing my RP series processors when I play. I started this "hobby" thinking I would save money by makeing my own - Heck, I soon learned that, well. Yanno

Again, thank you all for your work and dedication.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: A big thank you!

Glad you're enjoying the hobby Chris
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Re: A big thank you!

Yeah, I'm enjoying it too!

"I started this "hobby" thinking I would save money by makeing my own - Heck, I soon learned that, well. Yanno."

It's the same in the guitar building world.  Whether electric or acoustic, people think they can save money the DIY way, but then they realize that they need nut files, fret files, a binding jig for a router (along with the router :), materials (which aren't cheap), and on and on.  HOWEVER, you CAN make a unique instrument with all of your own preferences.  Want a wide fingerboard on a telecaster?  No problem!  Plus you can construct the instrument with a quality that would rival any maker (that is, IF you put in the time to learn the craft).

And so it is with pedal building. You can use the best quality components available (with or without mojo).  And I love being able to mod a circuit to my own tastes.  More treble?  No problem!  (well, usually ).  Of course, my finishes an artwork won't rival Boss or Ibanez, but then that's just aesthetics and doesn't affect the function.
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Re: A big thank you!

haha, so true frank. i started building cause i figured i could build something cheaper and better for myself them buying it, and i could tweak it, especially if i want to retain the low end for my basses. now a few thousand in parts, it doesn't seem so cheap. lol

the first bass i built, which actually was 2 at one time, were both Jazz style basses, one for me one for my little brother (mine is the blue one you guys saw under the favorite instrument thread, my little brothers is metallic purple). i figured i could build a jazz better then fender and it would cost me less. i think when i was done mine cost like $1500 in parts, but it's exactly what i want. i used swamp ash instead of alder to get more presence/punch, a badass bridge (which aren't made anymore since Leo Quans death), hipshot tuners, hipshop drop tuner, aguilar obp-3 preamp, not to mention all the time i had to put in. i wanted to save money and ended up spending more, but you can't just buy one like her. i was lucky, i have all the tools already, so that extra expense didn't affect me, but damn i was shocked what i spend.

also, i'm glad you're enjoying it and part of the community. so welcome buddy.
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Re: A big thank you!

I just discovered this site about 2 weeks ago, and my mind is blown. I felt the need to say "thank you" to all the awesome people that have made it what it is, for a stranger like me to discover. I haven't even finished building my first pedal yet, but I can't wait! This seems like the "best of the internet" to me, a bunch of generous enthusiasts sharing their knowledge and hobby (without directly breaking any rules).

As an aside, I have discovered pedals I never even dreamed existed, including the Death By Audio "Reverberation Machine." I was so enamored when I saw the video and layout that I just bought one. While I might try to clone it in the future, I thought that it works in favor of this site -- increasing the potential sales for these audio-inventors, not subtracting from them. Everyone wins.

Enough blabbering by me. Thanks again! This site rules!!

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Re: A big thank you!

In reply to this post by Chris60601
for those of you how have not kept up, Chris has made superman leaps & bounds where making custom PCBs is concerned. He went almost straight from VERO to designing and getting his own PCBs made and they are fricking beautiful.

Now, I personally just don't buy PCBs because there is little challenge is filling in a foolproof layout. but that is different from designing and building your own from scratch. Chris is doing that - he' da man in my book. If I could do that as easily as Chris does it, I would do it every time.
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Re: A big thank you!

In reply to this post by Chris60601
Chris60601 wrote
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that posts questions, answers and projects.
I have learned soooo bloody much over the past 3 months and with the very few questions I have asked, I have been treated with respect and a "no question is a silly one" type of attitude - AWESOME.

i consider posting my stupid questions a service to the community. i'm very giving like that. a big heart.

am glad you are having a riot here, chris. it is addictive. and i know what you mean about the sense of community being good here. more esprit de corps than an std clinic, less full-on physical violence than an anger management co-counselling support group. win-win.
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Re: A big thank you!


Big thanks from me as well.  Although my bank balance is pretty pissed off!!!

 I still have no feckin clue what i'm doing from a theory perspective but i've made a bunch of way cool pedals that work and i've only really had one disaster.
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Re: A big thank you!

This post was updated on .
We should never forget the best part of this: Fun Fun Fun!!!
I remember the day I just made a google search:" proco rat mods...", that was the beggining, and without having a clue about soldering I just went for it. A year after, I found this site and for me was like too good to be true, so after a while I decided trying my first build, (Zvex Mastotron), as a christmas present for my girlfriend.
From that time, when I visit forums like thegearpage and see people saying things like:" ...This $$$ overdrive tone I bought has a killer tone, but It hasn´t got enough low end, so I think I´ll just purchase this other $$$ OD that seems to have a killer tone... And if that´s not working I may purchase etc...", I just can think that being a pedal efx junkie, (as I am), I´m just doing the right thing, and I´m learning something completely as well.
And yes, I´m spending some money here, but from the moment one gets a fair stock of hardware, (enclosures, jack shockets, etc...), the rest is quite cheap, so I can spend my time working on it instead of just spending my money on other stuff, (like buying the pedals I build for for really big money...)
Thanks everyone here for that non-stop streaming of layouts, and all the knowledge you´re sharing with the rest of us.
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Re: A big thank you!

"And yes, I´m spending some money here, but from the moment one gets a fair stock of hardware, (enclosures, jack shockets, etc...), the rest is quite cheap, so I can spend my time working on it instead of just spending my money on other stuff, (like buying the pedals I build for for really big money...)."

I can't think of a better way to spend my money!

Seriously, getting into pedals ignited a passion in me to learn about electronics beyond just Ohm's law.  It has also made me much better informed about music electronics in general, so in that sense I'm **saving** money by not buying stuff I don't really need.
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Re: A big thank you!

Frank_NH wrote
It has also made me much better informed about music electronics in general, so in that sense I'm **saving** money by not buying stuff I don't really need.
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Re: A big thank you!

Awesome hobby and such a cool community. The thing that amazes me the most is that there is no hard competition here. The moment someone discovers something, he will share and make a detailed presentation for everybody to see/know/use.  That's very awesome if you think the state humanity is (and has been).

I remember in the old days when I was flipping switches and turning knobs without knowing anything about them. I went on and fiddle with everything around believing it was magic (i guess).  Now everything makes so much sense, even when using the stove.

I have this hobby, and the good people around here to thank for this.