A few effects i made using your layouts

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A few effects i made using your layouts

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Hi everyone,

I figured i could share a few pics of effects i made using layout found on that great site. That's a way of thanking you for all that good work ;)

Green Russian Big Muff

Rub a Dub Deluxe Reverb

ZVex Super Duper, my first one

ZVex Wooly Mammoth

Simple A/B Box

Double TubeScreamer

Custom multieffect including (left to right) :
- Octifuzz with octaver
- Mad Professor Forest Green Compressor
- Custom Badass Overdrive
- OKKO Dominator distortion
- Phaser 45
- Deep blue delay
- Rub a Dub Reverb

And a gut shot for the multieffect (i'm not exactly tidy, but i'm learning ^^')

Again thanks for the good work and keep up :)
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

Damn, that multi effects unit looks awesome! I would love to see a gut shot of it.

Where did you get that enclosure?
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

In reply to this post by DaSt
LOVE the multi!!!
So lemme ask you this - when you designed that multi, were you thinking of pedal order or just whatever your fancy was?

While we know there isn't a set rule for pedal order, I was curious as to your ordering.

Actually, your multi pretty much nulls the need for a ped-board

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

In reply to this post by Beaker
Hi and thanks,

I added the gutshot.
I spent a LOT of time looking for the perfect enclosure and found that one :

Sent from Japan only 60€ to France and received in about a week. It's sloped and the quality is great.
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

In reply to this post by Chris60601
Very nice work.  Thanks for sharing!
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

In reply to this post by Chris60601
Thanks :)

I just began playing the guitar a few weeks back (mainly cause I needed to test my effects) so I made all those for friends, specially the multieffect. My friend decided the layout he wanted for each effect then gave me the list in order.

Let me add that between the dominator and the phaser i added an effect loop so he can plug some more external effects. The loop is switchable.
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

In reply to this post by DaSt
Thanks for the link - I need some larger enclosures for a couple of projects, and these look great.

Thanks also for the gutshot. Considering the amount of circuitry you have in there, it looks perfectly tidy to me.
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

In reply to this post by DaSt
Woah!! Nice jobs, especially the multi.  I still plan on doing a 2u rack mounted multieffect with a similar number of my faves on it.  One day I'll get round to it
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

In reply to this post by DaSt
Very nice work bud.  I wish I could get mine to look that good .. the finish is always something that I'm not happy with on mine.  You've got some really professional looking results .. great job.

I love your multi pedal - really nice job
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Re: A few effects i made using your layouts

Thanks to all

About the finishing touches i think that's the part i mainly have to work on, with the tidyness.

For the look i order the enclosures already painted from Banzai, germany (along with all the parts, great site) and i use waterslide paper to put the writings and logo on. Was a bit tricky at first but i finally managed to make it look good.