A newb needs help with a TS808 question

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A newb needs help with a TS808 question

HI everyone - I really hate asking such a basic question but I just kinda ran out of ideas. I completed my 3rd pedal, the TS808. It works pretty well ... To a point. I can engage the pedal just fine but when I disengage it, no sound is present in the amp. Well, there is but I need to push it 10 and even then.

Well, I think you get the idea :) Anyways, I'm out of ideas where to look. I ensured that the parts are installed and orientated correctly (as I mentioned, engaged - its outstanding and the clipping works too).

At this point, I'm kinda thinking that the foot switch may be bad but, any advise would be helpful but please keep in mind - I have only been at this about 5 weeks.

Thanks for being understanding and patient with me.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: A newb needs help with a TS808 question

If the problem is during bypass, then the problem must be the switch, either the wiring or the switch itself.  How have you wired it up?
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Re: A newb needs help with a TS808 question

In reply to this post by Chris60601
sounds like the footswitch to me. try a continuity test with your multimeter. the middle row on the switch should give continuity with one of the other rows, click the switch and it should give continuity with the remaining row. if that is working then it may be wired wrong. put the pedal in bypass and check for continuity between input and output jack tips.
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: A newb needs help with a TS808 question

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by Chris60601
Hi Chris

If the circuit is working then congratulations!  I was still struggling with that well past 10 builds!

If you're not passing audio when bypassed then it can only be a switch/wiring issue.  Do you wire the switch as per the offboard diagram here?  I prefer this method as it grounds the board input during bypass preventing interference from the circuit, especially with the higher gain designs.

I would suggest getting a multimetre and setting it to diode/continuity check mode.  If the switch lugs are labelled as such...


then you should have continuity with the following

2, 3, 5, 6
4, 8, 9

1, 2, 3, 6
4, 5, 9
7, 8

If all this checks out then happy days, its not your switch.  Of course all this is dependant on wether you wired the switch correctly as per the Offboard diagram.

To check a fresh switch just probe the middle row (2-5-7) with the lug above and then below each one.

Go over your wiring very carefully. I use the same coloured wiring for every connection inside a pedal and I'm still accidentally soldering some to the wrong place!

Hope this helps some and good luck tracking the issue down.

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Re: A newb needs help with a TS808 question

Thanks guys! you have been most kind!
So, during continuity testing, I noticed a loose solder on the switch. That did the trick!
All is good and the pedal is AWESOME!!!

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.