A twist

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A twist

How about this - I'll take any unused stock that folks no longer want!
One catch tho - I won't pay for any of it

Seriously tho, if anyone has surplus that they just want to get rid of and they just want to get rid of it (no cost to me) let me know

LOL, I'm kinda eyeballin' rocket since he has all that stuff crammed into a corner
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: A twist

haha, you can eyeball my stuff all you want. it's all crammed in a corner cause i'm moving in a week and a half, and had to move in with my parents for a bit, so i don't have my workshop now, and i still try to build when i can. i can't pack it away, then i wouldn't be able to build until i move.