Would be nice if the audio file was in a more internet friendly format instead of a god forsaken apple by product...
I asked the guy who I built this pedal for how he liked it, and how he was going to use it. He sent me the following short sound clips. They sounded so good I thought I should post them. Hopefully this is OK with everyone and posted in the proper place.
He's playing through the Keeley clone into a ROG Britannia which has a Dan Armstrong Red Ranger clone as the Top Boost option. Then into a Marshall JCM800.
Who would have thought a Marshall could sound so jangly?
Sounds fantastic to me, this is what makes the time spent on this hobby so worth it!
1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst, Nickel Tone Zone & Air Zone Pickups, Russian Oil Filled Caps, 50s Style Modified Jimmy Page Wiring.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.