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Hi All,

I placed a load of orders for bits to build pedals I like, including the Zendrive. Unfortunately, when I meant to order a couple of AD712 opamps, I seem to have ordered a mini version instead
Is there anything I can do with these? Maybe get an adapter for veroboard size holes? Do they even do the same thing?

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Re: AD712

Yes you need some SOP8 to DIP8 adapters.  I bought a few SOP8 opamps in the past and have bought the adapters from eBay to use them with vero or PCB through-hole spacing.  They're bloody horrible to solder though.  

I mostly dislike surface mount with the exception of 1206 or 1210 package resistors and caps which I can use quite comfortably.  Yes they open up opportunities to cram a lot more in a much smaller space, but I tend to be turned off anything which makes building effects less fun, and surface mount does for me.  Good job I've hoarded a house full of through-hole components so I'll never run out!
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Re: AD712

Thanks, IvIark. They do look like they'll be a bloody nightmare to solder, don't think I could manage that. Think I'll try one of these spring-loaded adapters, looks much easier!
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Re: AD712

I did the same thing.  I also had this happen with TL051 chips I ordered (which are, for some reason (or at least last time I checked) hard to find/stupid expensive in in dip8 package.

I ordered some of the little PCB adapters and already had some pin headers for it.   Honestly, it's not that bad.  Don't get me wrong, soldering those little suckers onto that little PCB isn't easy, but if you've soldered a few pedals from start to finish, you should be able to manage.  

In my experience, it is VITAL to tape or otherwise clamp the chip onto the pcb and then get 1 leg soldered with it sitting straight on the pads.  If you can get that ONE leg soldered with the rest where they need to be (and you can nudge it some without hurting anything) then soldering the rest isn't too difficult.

Also, the method of holding the soldering tip to the contact until the melts the solder did not work for me on these.  I had to sort of drag a molten bit of solder from the leg to the pad.  I know that goes against all the soldering rules, but it has worked for me so far :)

Still that little adapter you linked looks cool and a LOT less expensive than I would have thought.  Too bad it's so big.  Still, I might end up ordering a couple of these.

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Re: AD712

Doh!  He won't ship to the USA.

Actually, looking at the list of countries he won't ship to*... well... heh.  He lists "Asia" (and specifically Hong Kong, where the seller is from).

But he will ship to the UK.. Wait.. scratch that... He won't ship to "Channel Islands, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, Northern Ireland, or the British Virgin Islands."  How bizarre...

The entire list of places he won't ship is absolutely hilarious.  Ah, well.

*Channel Islands, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, Northern Ireland, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Guadeloupe, Marshall Islands, Wallis and Futuna, Gambia, Malaysia, Mayotte, Taiwan, Poland, Suriname, Oman, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Middle East, Guinea-Bissau, Togo, Senegal, Armenia, Bhutan, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Netherlands, Burundi, Slovakia, Iraq, Equatorial Guinea, Slovenia, Thailand, Aruba, American Samoa, Iceland, Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Israel, Kuwait, Algeria, Benin, Russian Federation, Antigua and Barbuda, Italy, Swaziland, Pakistan, Tanzania, Ukraine, Singapore, Burkina Faso, Panama, Jersey, Kyrgyzstan, Reunion, Djibouti, Chile, China, Mali, Croatia, Republic of, Botswana, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malta, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Paraguay, Cayman Islands, Saint Helena, Cyprus, Rwanda, Seychelles, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Gabon Republic, Czech Republic, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Kiribati, Turkmenistan, Greece, Grenada, Haiti, Yemen, Greenland, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Africa, Mongolia, Nepal, Bahrain, Bahamas, Asia, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Dominica, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Angola, South America, South East Asia, Western Samoa, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Guatemala, Vatican City State, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, Nauru, French Guiana, Anguilla, El Salvador, Guam, Micronesia, Dominican Republic, Cameroon, Guyana, Azerbaijan Republic, Macau, Georgia, Tonga, New Caledonia, San Marino, Eritrea, Morocco, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belarus, Mauritania, Belize, Philippines, Uruguay, Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Western Sahara, Congo, Republic of the, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Colombia, Comoros, United States, Estonia, Bermuda, Montserrat, Korea, South, Zambia, Somalia, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albania, Monaco, Guernsey, Ethiopia, Laos, Niger, Venezuela, Ghana, Cape Verde Islands, Moldova, Martinique, Madagascar, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Lebanon, Liberia, Bolivia, Maldives, Gibraltar, Libya, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Nigeria, Saint Lucia, Mauritius, Guinea, Jordan, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Andorra, Romania, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands Antilles, Japan, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago, Palau, Malawi, Nicaragua, Tunisia, Luxembourg, Uganda, Brazil, Turkey, Barbados, Tuvalu, Jamaica, Latvia, Egypt, Niue, Brunei Darussalam, Honduras, South Africa, Virgin Islands (U.S.)
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Re: AD712

In reply to this post by Heath
I found it helps if you tin the pads first and then put the IC where you want it to sit, hold it down and just apply a little heat to one of the pics.  As soon as the solder on the pad melts it will hold it in place well enough to solder the other pins (starting with the one furthest away from the starting pin! :o)
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Re: AD712

In reply to this post by Heath
I can't make myself do it.. not when you can get this for so cheap...

I can't see adding around $3.00 to the cost of a chip :/
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Re: AD712

In reply to this post by Heath
Heath wrote
Doh!  He won't ship to the USA.
These are cheaper anyway
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Re: AD712

In reply to this post by Heath
Heath wrote
I can't make myself do it.. not when you can get this for so cheap...

I can't see adding around $3.00 to the cost of a chip :/
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Re: AD712

In reply to this post by IvIark
IvIark wrote
I found it helps if you tin the pads first and then put the IC where you want it to sit, hold it down and just apply a little heat to one of the pics.  As soon as the solder on the pad melts it will hold it in place well enough to solder the other pins (starting with the one furthest away from the starting pin! :o)
That's a genius idea.  So simple, I kind of want to slap myself for not thinking of it.  Thanks, IvIark.
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Re: AD712

In reply to this post by IvIark
"Postage: Doesn't post to United States"

No soup for me :(
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Re: AD712

I'm amazed at how much this is coming up now, what's the problem with shipping to the US, is it your security now?
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Re: AD712

I'm not sure what the hell it is :/  

Honestly, I think our "security" is an excuse to keep people scared (and pliable) and to make useless pointless jobs for uneducated morons.  It wouldn't surprise me if that was a HUGE reason for a lot of foreign sellers to decide it's not worth the refund requests and negative feedback for stuff hung up in customs, etc.    

I can't complain too much, though, because I've been spoiled so far.  Cheap prices, local shipping (or Tayda which is still quick), unfettered availability.  
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Re: AD712

I know the reason bitsbox won't ship is because the insurance payments went through the roof which apparently the insurance companies were blaming on litigation where people had sued because they "hurt themselves" on the package or contents. (wtf?)

If that is true the world is becoming even more bonkers than it used to be!
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Re: AD712

It's sad, but that doesn't surprise me.  I know every country/population/group has it's idiots... it just seems like our idiots are louder than anyone elses (and they end up in public office, ha!).  If I hurt myself on some packaging, I'd probably be embarrassed enough not to make a public issue of it, much less try to blame someone else.  But then blaming anyone but one's self seem to be the prevailing trend these days (at least where I live).
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Re: AD712

It's getting the same here.  Everything is becoming more litigious and as a result health and safety is taking over which is making mollycoddling the norm.  It really does drive me insane to the point I have to walk away as soon as someone says the words "health and safety".  

I remember the days when we just had to rely on common sense to avoid doing something that hurt you, and if you did hurt yourself you got up, dusted yourself off and learnt from it.  Now we need to go on a week long course to show us how to lift boxes properly, and firemen need to perform a risk assessment before saving someone from a burning building.  The world is becoming more and more bizarre, or I may just be becoming a grumpy old man!