ADA MP-1 tube section...

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ADA MP-1 tube section...

Does anyone feel like converting the drive section of the ADA MP-1 to jfets?

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Re: ADA MP-1 tube section...

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Re: ADA MP-1 tube section...

The point Ibanez brings up in that thread was my first thought as well. It looks like this schem omits a buffer or gain stage at the input

I say this without actually looking for the rest of the schematic, and I’m sure you guys will have this figured out before I get time to investigate. But something to look into if you’re planning on drawing or building this
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Re: ADA MP-1 tube section...

Well then.... don't I look like a dill.
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Re: ADA MP-1 tube section...

As Travis pointed out, this layout only features the actual valve section of the preamp.
When checking the schematics, there is indeed a "pre-preamp" consisting of ICs and diodes before the tube section.
I've taken a look and I'm afraid the schem is a bit unclear for my skills. Maybe someone more experienced can add a standalone board for the missing section...