AENIMA Devi Ever

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AENIMA Devi Ever

AENIMA Devi Ever: Does anyone tried to build this one?
Mine has low sustain and gain.. and the tone pot does nothing. If someone was succesfull, please tell me... your help are probably my last chance before unmount this one.

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Re: AENIMA Devi Ever

I haven't built it but that layout certainly appears to match the schematic
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Re: AENIMA Devi Ever

This post was updated on .
i have used 22nf instead 20nf capacitors, but they seems to be ok. Major problem is the INTENSITY Control... and normally Devi Ever pedals has LOTS of sustain... not in this case
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Re: AENIMA Devi Ever

I must say i am ignoring the oscilation switch.
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Re: AENIMA Devi Ever

Found this one. At first view, seems R1 is different from the original schematic... maybe another changes. Guys, does it makes sense for you?

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Re: AENIMA Devi Ever

Excuse me so many posts.. After days following tracks with lens, i found a nano rupture on the vero at the first resistor. Make a bridge and now is working like a charm. Verified.