AMZ mini booster 3.3uf question

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AMZ mini booster 3.3uf question

Is that value crucial to the sound?I only have 1uf mkt capacitors.Will that work?
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Re: AMZ mini booster 3.3uf question

The mini-booster article at AMZ is a useful reference, if you haven't read it yet. (Use google. I won't post the link because he asks us not to do that at the bottom of the page.)

The relevant part for you is "C4 may be 3.3uF as shown on the original mini-booster or decreased in value to provide a bit of treble boost. Values as small as 0.1uF or even down to 0.01uF have been used with success."

If you want the full-range of boost that the design provides and can't find a 3.3uF, put 3 of those 1uF's in parallel. If you're using mirosol's layout, you can ad two extra columns in the middle to accommodate them.

3.3uF caps are plentiful and cheap on eBay, if you don't mind waiting for them.
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Re: AMZ mini booster 3.3uf question

I followed your advice and put 3x1uf and 1x330nf in parallel!!!I went for a A50K pot for the volume(the 100K was too loud imo).Works like a charm!