About 125B enclosures

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About 125B enclosures

Hi folks,

I'm looking for cheap but still good looking 125B enclosures to buy in bulk in Europe (avoiding taxes from US import). So far ones from Banzai are given as Taiwan high quality but i still have to even them a lot with sand paper.

Any good address ?

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Re: About 125B enclosures

The only ones I know in Europe who sell 125B's are Banzai and Musikding. And even with them and the melting Euro is probably still cheaper to buy from Tayda ($4,99 per box). 6 to 8 per shipment would probably still be able to sneak past customs and avoid getting hit with customs duties.

We're really getting screwed here in Europe.
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Re: About 125B enclosures


Thanks and yes, i think i'm gonna try tayda next time. Problem is they don't have all IC in stock but i'll try to get past that.
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Re: About 125B enclosures

How much are the taxes? There are some sweet deals here in the US.
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Re: About 125B enclosures

Tayda has a distribution centre in the US - I'm sure I remember Rocket mentioning that it was in Colorado? Therefore no import duty?
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Re: About 125B enclosures

You are correct beaker. It was me and the center is in Colorado. That also seems to be the reason why I can get an order fairly fast compared to what it's supposed to be. I do remember that before they made that center and things were sent from Thailand it would takeittey forever, but I never seemed to get hit with importation taxes. I might have ordered just enough to fly under the radar.
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Re: About 125B enclosures

In reply to this post by motterpaul
motterpaul wrote
How much are the taxes? There are some sweet deals here in the US.
Depends on how much you order. As long as you stay below a certain amount, which in the Netherlands is around €30 I think its nothing. Above it you're hit with VAT and custom duties. Which you pay over the total amount including shipping. First time I ordered 10 enclosures from Tayda I was hit with €20+ in VAT and customs duties. Gone were any expected savings, I might as well have ordered from the most expensive European webstore and I would have saved me some money instead.

And that was with Tayda's cheapest shipping. Order anything from the US and you pay at least two to three times as much in shipping. And get thus hit even harder. My rule of thumb is to never EVER order anything from the US, unless I absofraggin'lutely have to through sheer lack of choice. American shipping costs are ridiculous to the extreme.

I'm so ***damn jealous of you Americans able to order anything in huge bulk orders. We Europeans could NEVER hope to do that without getting assraped by our customs services. They are totally unable to stem the flow of drugs and illegal immigrants to the continent, but they are experts in nailing their own citizens with customs duties. Shows you were the actual priorities are.