Acoustic guitar pedal recommendations?

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Acoustic guitar pedal recommendations?

I think I've managed to fall into an acoustic guitar duo.  I haven't built any pedals specifically for acoustic yet, so I'm wondering what others might have had success with.  We're still in the VERY early stages of finding "our sound", so I'm not sure what I'm looking for at this point.  My strategy is going to be to build way too many pedals to give myself a huge pallet, then streamline it down to "what works".

Here are my thoughts so far:

- Fairfield Barbershop: I've been using this for electric for awhile now, and there's a really nice setting that I can dial in where it's crystal clear with just a little "edge".  Not enough to sound even really overdriven.
- Engineer's thumb: I built the 2 knob from here for a friend and it's super quiet and transparent.  While I hate building the same thing twice (less fun) he's been asking about possibly tweaking his a little.  I was thinking that the 5 knob version from Sabro may be able to hit 2 birds with 1 stone by helping me tweak some values for my friend, and putting a compressor on my acoustic board.
- EQ: I haven't built any, so I think I may start with the Sea Blue EQ?  Thoughts?
- Reverb: I probably won't invest in a brick, so I'll probably look at Solstice or Equinox
- Tri-vibe: Love this modulation pedal.  I'll give it a shot with the acoustic.
- Delay: hmmm, I haven't been entirely satisfied with the Deep Blue on electric, maybe it will find a home with the acoustic.  Thoughts?

Anyhow, it's a quiet day at work so I'm just musing around in my mind.  Feel free to drop some input!
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.