Add component library to DIYLC?

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Add component library to DIYLC?

I downloaded Mark's component library, but I have no idea how to add them to the program. I'm stuck with the stock components, which is very limited. How do I add them? Mark's components are all saved at XML files.
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Re: Add component library to DIYLC?

Hmmm, seems that the new version of DIYLC (which I use) saves components as a DIY file. Previous version is XML. Anyone know where to download a bigger component library for V3, using DIY files?
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RE: Add component library to DIYLC?

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In reply to this post by Kinski
The most important thing you need to know, Mark's config will not work with the newest version nor can it be imported.

So unless something has changed, you will need to use an older app version or create your own libs

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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RE: Add component library to DIYLC?

thanks. yeah, i like v3 much better than v2, but there are so many components missing. No elec caps, missing a few trimpots, etc.
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RE: Add component library to DIYLC?

Ciaran Haslett
You can edit existing components and save them as templates.  They can then be accessed from the drop down arrow next to a component.  I spent a while making templates based off dimensions found online.  

Electro caps are listed under the passive tab.  You can change the trimmer type by double clicking the trimmer and choosing a type from the drop down menu.

But yeah...I do agree that v3 lacks a lot of what v2 had.  I'm on a mac and v2 was a PITA. v3 runs much better/less quirks but doesn't look as good as v2.  I wonder if Bannika (or another Java literate) would consider updating the program in the near future.  Maybe include SMD etc
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Re: Add component library to DIYLC?

In reply to this post by Kinski
Here is what I did. Spend half an hour making each component the way i like it, put them in order on the side of the page and saved that project. Whenever I want to work, i just open that project and work with the saved components.
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Re: Add component library to DIYLC?

Here is what I did. Spend half an hour making each component the way i like it, put them in order on the side of the page and saved that project. Whenever I want to work, i just open that project and work with the saved compoents.

This is what I do now.  I have a "template" diy file now with board + components (resistors, capacitors, diodes, wires, labels...).  Just resize the board and away you go, just copying and paste additional components as needed.  Just make sure not to overwrite the template file!