Add tremolo and photocell to Fuzz Factory

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Add tremolo and photocell to Fuzz Factory

Hi there,

I want to build my friend a gift, and he likes the fuzz factory. He also likes thing a bit crazier, so I thought: Maybe i can make things somewhat weirder?

My thoughts were: To add a switch which turns a photocell to control the Stab control on and off. Is this possible and where should i put the photocell exactly? Would that be between Stab 1 and the Pot with an On/On SPDT? Or do I need a DPDT for that? (lugs 1 to pot, pot to lug 4, circuit to 2, 5 to circuit, lug 3 to photocell, photocell to lug 6?).

The other idea is to put a choppy little tremolo after the circuit, one knob for speed would be enough. Has anyone got a circuit they would recommend?
Is it easy to wire that? I'm guessing just a switch (simple by hand is enough, no led necessary)) and just wire the output of the fuzzfactory to a switch that switches the circuit in and out?

Do my thoughts make any sense? Or am I so far off that it's not advisable to take on a project like this? :D