Adding a BMP/AMZ Presence control to Hyperion

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Adding a BMP/AMZ Presence control to Hyperion

Well, for a while I have been lurking (and building) in the shadows of this wonderful community. Its high time I start learning the way to make and modify layouts.

Lately I have been working on how to fit a tone control on to the Hyperion, as one board, but do not need the LPB section that is included on the current layout posted here.

So, as part of learning, I started modifying IvIark's Hyperion layout to include the AMZ presence control, and to make the "Muff Killer" get that scooped muff tone, or get close to flat/stock with the mid scoop control.

Though reading, if not including the LPB part of the section I should put the tone stack before the output cap right? Any reason for this?

I haven't verified it yet, but I am attaching the modified versions both after, and before, the output cap.

Original layout by IvIark (Column 14 and to the right is the modified section)


Either of these look correct?
Any input/feedback/lessons are appreciated!