Adding an LED to the blue note hot switch

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Adding an LED to the blue note hot switch

Hi folks, I'd like to add a footswitch and led for the the blue note hot switch. Does anyone know how to do this?
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Re: Adding an LED to the blue note hot switch

Using a DPDT stomp like this


You have the hot switch wires going to 1 and 2, so just connect 4 to the LED cathode, 5 to ground and then from the LED anode go to a 2K2 resistor > 9V.

So the main bypass switch will turn one LED on, the new Hot stomp will turn on a second LED to indicate Hot mode.  Or you could use a single bi colour LED if you wanted so that the new hot switch will simply change the colour of the main bypass LED.  If you do go this route then make sure you get an bi colour LED with a common anode, then it can just be connected to the LED+ position on the board and you won't need a second current limiting resistor.
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Re: Adding an LED to the blue note hot switch

Great! Thanks for the reply and your clear explanation. I'm thinking I'll go for the second LED since I'll have a difficult time distinguishing the color change . I'm curious how the resistor value is determined? I see the that the "pedal on" LED has a 33K resistor in series. Does the resistor value determine the brightness like a light bulb? Probably not a surprise that I'm new to this.
Thanks again for all assistance.
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Re: Adding an LED to the blue note hot switch

No the pedal on LED has a 2K2 as well.  The value resistor you use will be determined by the type of LED you're using and your own brightness preference.  I find with most standard diffused or standard waterclear that the 2K2 suits me which is why it's often the value I put in the layouts.  With ultra bright LEDs that will need to be bigger, maybe 10K or more or you'll be too dazzled, but it's just personal preference and I'm sure that when most people build from mine or Miro's layouts that they substitute the LED resistor for whatever works best for them.
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Re: Adding an LED to the blue note hot switch

Thanks again. I think I've got a plan now!