Airis Savage Drive Clone

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Airis Savage Drive Clone

Hello everyone,

I'm new to this group and pedal-making in general. I've been reading up on this site and have learned a ton so far. I'm interested in cloning the Airis Savage Drive OD, which is a modified clone of the Bodenhammer Bloody Murder. The savage features your usual gain and tone, as well as a "tight" knob that I'm curious about. Enclosed are some images of the circuit board, both empty and populated. Would there be a way to figure out the connections based on these pictures? I need help with the components too, not sure which value capacitors, resistors, etc. to use. I only know that it uses the 4558D OP amp chip found in many TS-Style overdrives.

Thanks so much guys.

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Re: Airis Savage Drive Clone

With only a few traces visible, it's going to be trial an error breadboarding and guesswork unless you have the pedal and/or a naked pcb actually in your hands. I'd guess Q2 is the output buffer from the fact the collector is direct to +9v and it's near the volume pot. I'd guess maybe the bass pot is a timmy style thing using those big caps upper left, the tone is TS type using the smaller caps lower right. The absence of diodes suggests it's using the opamp itself to generate any clipping.