Allan Holdsworth Signature OD/Boost

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Allan Holdsworth Signature OD/Boost

Razvan S.
Hi guys!

The Rockett Pedals Holdsworth od-boost.

I was wondering if you could do this at some point.
I would really appreciate it!

(i love this blog, built 40 pedals for people by now, great stuff, love you guys!)


Razvan S.
Romanian Guitarist Community Moderator
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Re: Allan Holdsworth Signature OD/Boost

Glad you're enjoying the site.  Have you seen a schematic for this anywhere?  If not it's one of those we'll have to wait until someone reverses one.
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Re: Allan Holdsworth Signature OD/Boost

Razvan S.
yeah...unfortunately, no one posted a schem yet anywhere :(
Romanian Guitarist Community Moderator
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Re: Allan Holdsworth Signature OD/Boost

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Re: Allan Holdsworth Signature OD/Boost

Razvan S. year + later and still no schematic :(

Romanian Guitarist Community Moderator