Analogman Sunface fuzz pot changes collector voltage

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Analogman Sunface fuzz pot changes collector voltage


 Hi! I've already built my first fuzz and I've notice that when I turn the fuzz pot clockwise the collector voltage of Q2 increases, is that ok? The base and emitter voltages remain stable, though.

 The build is based on the following layout:

 It definitely sounds like a fuzz, and the three pots are working...Any hint?
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Re: Analogman Sunface fuzz pot changes collector voltage

That’s normal
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Re: Analogman Sunface fuzz pot changes collector voltage

Ey Travis thanks! In that case I have another question: When people talk about the famous 4.5v at Q2 collector, do I have to set the fuzz pot clock-wise or counter clock-wise? I mean, I know that I have to use the bias pot in order to get it but since the fuzz pot changes this voltage as well, I don't know the fuzz pot position when biasing a fuzz. I've searched a lot and got nothing
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Re: Analogman Sunface fuzz pot changes collector voltage

I admire the fact that you are thinking about things like this

I recommend setting the bias with the fuzz pot set fully clockwise (cranked 100%)

Have fun and come back to share pics of your builds and experiences if you want :)
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Re: Analogman Sunface fuzz pot changes collector voltage

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 Thanks a lot Travis! Of course I'll do, so far this is my fifth build. I'm also doing the painting/art of the pedals...too many new things to me.

 I've got ten russians GT108V with very very low lekeages and good gains, nine of them between 60 and 120 hfe.

 Here some measurements that I've done with the fuzz pot all the way up:

 Q2 (121 Hfe, 53uA lekeage)

 C: 8'2V - 6V (from counter clock-wise to clockwise, bias pot)
 B: 0'7V
 E: 0'6V

 Q1 (93 Hfe, 56uA lekeage)

 C: 0'7V
 B: 0'1V
 E: 0V

 Right now I'm using 3.3k + 10k Bias pot, so I think I should change it for a 20k pot in order to get 4.5V - 5V at Q2 collector. Despite of that the voltages seem to be pretty good, don't they?

 I can't compare because it's my first classic fuzz, but since I have a fuzz factory I miss more gain. Let's see how it behaves when I change the bias pot.