Another finished Britannia...

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Re: Another finished Britannia...

Hi Lee,

Here are my values.  Note that you don't have to match these numbers exactly since you have trimpots to dial in the bias voltage. However, you do have to be in the ballpark (e.g. Vp for J201 < 1 V or so).

Q1:  J202   Idss = 3.062 mA, Vp = 2.25 V, Bias voltage = 6V at drain
Q2:  J201   Idss = 0.370 mA, Vp = 0.702 V, Bias voltage  = 5V at drain
Q4:  J201:  Idss = 0.713 mA, Vp = 0.935 V, Bias voltage = 5.5 V at drain

Q2 is a 2N5088 BJT.

Hope this helps.