Anti Buffer for Active Pickups (EMG) does it possible?

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Anti Buffer for Active Pickups (EMG) does it possible?

Considering Active Pickups are "buffered" or some kind of "preamp", wondering if there´s a way to make it better sounding to put in front of some fuzzes pedals. Thinking on a passive direct box on reverse.. does it make sense?
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Re: Anti Buffer for Active Pickups (EMG) does it possible?

The simplest solution is simply a 100k pot wired as a variable resistor (input to pins 1 and 2, output from pin 3). Just dial in the amount of resistance that sounds best.

If you want to get fancier, you can try the AMZ pickup simulator. If used it and it works great. Does it sound better than a simple series resistor? You'll have to decide for yourself.
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Re: Anti Buffer for Active Pickups (EMG) does it possible?

Many thanks... i´ll go for the simpliest...