Anyone deal with futuec?

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Anyone deal with futuec?

Currently having a negative shopping experience with futurlec.
I've ordered items no problem but nearly a month has passed and nothing received.
They are slow to respond to emails and don't seem to update their website on unavailable items.
I asked them to send what they had available. They misinterpreted and are not sendiing anything until they can locate missing items.
Guess i'll send another email. Its almost comical at this point.
To be clear, i've been patient and polite while acknowledging i'm dissatisfied with my transaction. They haven't even said a customary "sorry for any inconvenience " statement.
I would catagorize this as poor customer service.
Mistakes happen, how one fixes them is the mark of good service.

Anyone had a similar dealing?
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Re: Anyone deal with futuec?

I think a lot of people have had a similar experience. They take forever to ship and don't have good communication. I avoid using them anymore after the first few orders.
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Re: Anyone deal with futuec?

Thanks for your response luke, I'll avoid them after this is resolved.
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Re: Anyone deal with futuec?

In reply to this post by clockman
Yes it's usually taken about 6 weeks to receive my order when I've placed with them in the past.  Doesn't inspire confidence, but then neither does their 1990's web shop.

I haven't bothered with them for a long time now, although I must admit that I was quite pleased with their PCB service.  Not checked their prices out recently though and I'm sure others are just as competitive if not more so.
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Re: Anyone deal with futuec?

Luckily I tested these waters with only a small order.
What bugs me is the poor customer service.

A bit of perspective... I build for fun. I don't have customers I must now apologize to. This is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

A bit of immaturity... May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their collective armpits.
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Re: Anyone deal with futuec?

After one more email, futurlec finally confirmed shipping and gave me a tracking number.
Backordered items will be sent at no additional cost.
I'm ok with that.
Now... I shall prepare boards whilst I wait. Freppo's 4015 guitar synth is at the top of the list!. Psyched  for that one!
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Re: Anyone deal with futuec?

Andy Miller
Yeah, that's par for the course.  You order, and then the next time you hear from them is going to be whenever they get around to shipping.  I only use them when I think the savings might be worth a long wait.
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Re: Anyone deal with futuec?

Only used them once.

4 weeks after submitting my order (which I wasn't in a hurry to get hold of anyway) I thought I'd email them to see where they were with it. Got a reply the following week.

One of the things on my order was no longer in stock so they just decided to ......... do nothing. So "what would you like us to do?" was the response to my email.

Really? I had to tell them to send the whole order minus the thing they no longer had in stock, and alter the invoice and the bill accordingly.

Haven't used them again yet. Not really out of choice not to use them, it's just that I have other options which work well for me at the moment; Tayda, some ebay sellers, etc.