Anyone got the AMZ germanium booster schem?

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Anyone got the AMZ germanium booster schem?

I used to see this schem on the site along with the germanium buffer and Rangemaster schem but now it says you have to buy a PCB to see it.

I don't want the PCB, just looking to experiment with this simple circuit. Anyone got the schem (or stock part values)?
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Re: Anyone got the AMZ germanium booster schem?

Can't find it anywhere but I'm sure I've got it.  I'll let you know when I've had a more thorough root!
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Re: Anyone got the AMZ germanium booster schem?

Thanks that would be great. I'm curious about using it's general structure as a building block in some kindof sweet sounding overdrive
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Re: Anyone got the AMZ germanium booster schem?

Also, it just sounded good when I had it on my breadboard. Worth playing around with for something that can easily be pretty cool