Anyone knows a fuzz with a BS170, a BC550 and a 2N1308?!!

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Anyone knows a fuzz with a BS170, a BC550 and a 2N1308?!!

Hello all,

Sometime ago I saw an interesting layout for a fuzz having a BS170, a BC550 and a 2N1308, but I forgot which was!!!

I searched in BJFE/MP layouts, but I didn't find anything.

Anyone can help me?

Many thanks!
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Re: Anyone knows a fuzz with a BS170, a BC550 and a 2N1308?!!

You could build a Screwdriver with them
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Re: Anyone knows a fuzz with a BS170, a BC550 and a 2N1308?!!

In reply to this post by gigimarga
Also check out the BJFe, Bearfoot fuzzes and distortions...

I'd like to build one or more of these eventually, but need some 2N1308s (it's always one more part - sigh...).
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Re: Anyone knows a fuzz with a BS170, a BC550 and a 2N1308?!!

In reply to this post by IvIark
Thank you, IvIark and Frank!

@IvIark: I built sometime ago a Screwdriver, but I didn't like it too much, so, for sure, it wasn't a Screwdriver what I have seen.

@Frank_NH: I've just finished an Emerald Green Machine and a Pink Purple...I'm in love with both of them, so that's why I remembered about the design that I asked :)

Best regards!
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Re: Anyone knows a fuzz with a BS170, a BC550 and a 2N1308?!!

Sorry - I just saw your OP where you reference BJFE.  Well, it's worth repeating - BJFE has some great designs!

How about the Hoof Fuzz?

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Re: Anyone knows a fuzz with a BS170, a BC550 and a 2N1308?!!

Thank you very much again, Frank!

Last week I have built Hoof Fuzz, too, so it wasn't it :)
I had a lot of luck with a friend which gave me 8 pieces of 2N1304, so now I'm interrested about this type of designs because I like a lot the ones from BJFE...

Best regards!