BAJA Presence and Resonance

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BAJA Presence and Resonance

The great Bajaman posted a new design on FSB some days ago, quite similar in concept to the Marshall speaker reactance emulator.
Thought it might be useful to those who, like me, want to upgrade their Class D amps with better tube-like response.
I'm not confident enough to lay it out with one quad opamp and one dual opamp...
So if anybody wants to give it a go, I'd be really grateful!
FSB thread here.


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Re: BAJA Presence and Resonance

So its a Marshall Cab sim?
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Re: BAJA Presence and Resonance

Allegedly it emulates the EQ that takes place when a cranked tube power amp drives a speaker cab, or rather the frequency response that may occur in said cab due to tube drive.
Other Bajaman's designs such as the CV30M1960A cabsim include a similar first stage that takes care of this EQ-ing, followed by other stages that emulate the frequency response of the speakers.

The following schematic illustrates better what I'm trying to explain in my non-native language:
"high end rising response" and "low end resonance", both features of a tube amp power stage (and further developed in the first schematic of this thread), followed by HF rolloff stage, MF dip, etc; which are the frequency response of a particular speaker or cab.

So a Presence and Resonance emulator would be really useful for those who like to experiment with several cabsims such as the Condor, Multicab, etc. Or, as said, pimp up our D Class Amps

In short, nope, not a cabsim, rather a pre stage for a cabsim: useful to get a more accurate/realistic tube-like response.

At least that's what I think it is...