BJF/MP Forest Green Compressor - Good USA-available LDR to use?

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BJF/MP Forest Green Compressor - Good USA-available LDR to use?

Posted this in the FGC comments but looking at the response of recent comments there, I don't think it will get any views, so I'm posting here... hopefully I don't upset too many of you.

Having trouble finding a good LDR available in the USA to use. Anybody have any recommendations? I can get a KE-10720 from Tayda but I'm not going to pay int'l shipping for a $.24 resistor and I recently made a large order from them so I'm not really in need of anything else that I could use as a cart stuffer.

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Re: BJF/MP Forest Green Compressor - Good USA-available LDR to use?

With ldr's you usually have to try several until you find the one that works best for the circuit. For this compressor, I've heard people say they had good results with a 500k (dark) to 200R (light) ldr. Spec sheets on ldr's can be kind of hit or miss, though. Radio shack sells a 5 pack that you could sort through. I buy mine by the handful from a nearby surplus shop.
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Re: BJF/MP Forest Green Compressor - Good USA-available LDR to use?

Thanks induction!  Looks like the local Radio Shack has em.