BJFE Blueberry OD

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BJFE Blueberry OD

so i know i'm not the only bass player here, so i assume they might have heard that Bearfoot is re-releasing the Blueberry OD similar to the the original ununtainium BJFE Blueberry OD. it has a little less gain them the original, and a lot less then the Mad Professor version.

now for the reason for this post, does anyone know how the BJFE circuit different from the Mad Professor? i have been searching and search and can't find anything other then the BJFE Blueberry is a Honey Bee tuned for bass, but i remember mark making the comment that its more similar to the Model H. does anyone know of a board image or schematic for the BJFE Blueberry?

 i'm assuming that since the layout is for the Mad Professor version has a lot more gain on tap then the BJFE. i could be wrong, but in all the videos i've listened to of the Mad Professor one it just seems more cold then a lot of Bjorn's other designs, and the new Bearfoot Blueberry sounds delicious and perfect, maybe could use a touch more gain....

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Re: BJFE Blueberry OD

Silver Blues
Well, I'm not sure what to think about this. I was of two minds about the MP BBBOD, this version doesn't help polarize me at all. This one feels like sometimes it has enough gain and sometimes it doesn't. (IMO the original was pretty much "too much" all the way through.) Contrary to your opinion, Rocket, I actually really appreciate that they made this version very low gain. I find most bass drives to be excessively gainy, and thus turn your tone into a muddy fucking mess. This one is wonderfully articulate and subtle, while still being full and punchy; excellent. It doesn't, however, offer you quite enough for some gritty hard rock kind of bass tones, which the original can do at 30-60% gain. (This sounds like it'll be awesome for progressive kind of technical stuff.) The original is a little muddy for my tastes at less than 50% of the Nature control, while this one is good all the way through.

After doing some research, I have found that running a MP Blueberry into one of Albert Kreuzer's Submarine preamps (the little onboard version he made) fixes a lot of the issues I have with it, it smooths out the sound and makes it nice. I've kind of been hankering to build this amalgamation myself but after seeing this... well I don't know what to do anymore  Hopefully the guys over at FSB get cracking on this fast, I'd like to at least see its insides.
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Re: BJFE Blueberry OD

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ah, silver haven't spoken to you in way too long, i thought you disappeared. lol. i found johnk talking about that on the talkbass forum, and listened to the demo and agree 100% that the bbbod into the submarine sounds fantastic. i also totally agree that the Mad Professor one had way too much gain, and that the original was dead on the amount of gain i want out of this and an bass od, while i feel like the Bearfoot is just a tad under the BJFE one.

if i remember johnk got to see a real BJFE bbbod and built his clone based on that one, not the Mad Professor one, but i don't think he'll say what had to be changed. i think it was only a few resistor values, but i don't know if he's willing to share that info. i think for me and my bass od quest the BJFE is exactly what i've been looking for, but the Bearfoot is damn close.

on another note I cans find a layout posted for the submarine.
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Re: BJFE Blueberry OD

Silver Blues
Haha yeah, no I've been around pretty regularly, got busy at the end of June but now that July's here I have all the time in the world  You're definitely right, I'm just thinking there are ways to increase the gain out of even this one... I'm not sure exactly how much more gain would be optimal. The improvement that really strikes me about the Bearfoot version (like I said above) is the Nature control; MP version is slurry below 50%. (Perhaps a function of the jacked gain?) Lol so many questions. Fingers crossed on a schematic soon.

I was looking for a layout for the Sub the other day. Kreuzer has two preamps, the "Big" version and the "Onboard" version. It's the smaller "Onboard" one that John used. Someone here did indeed post a layout for the smaller one (single input stage) at some point. I was thinking of doing up a layout myself only to add in the trimmers for R2 and R11.
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Re: BJFE Blueberry OD
