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BJFE Bone Bender 1

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BJFE Bone Bender 1

149 posts
Hey folks I have a question I'm hoping one of you might be able to answer. I built the BJFE Bone Bender layout that's in the contribution section. Great circuit by that way. It's the easiest Tone Bender I've ever built. Highly recommend it for anyone new to germanium circuits. But I was wondering if it could be modified to be used with PNP germaniums. I understand swapping the power connections and flipping the electros over. But what would need to be done with the J113 Jfet? It there a Jfet version that works in a negative ground situation? I still don't quite grasp JFets.

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Re: BJFE Bone Bender 1

61 posts
See the fuzz factory scheme, it uses pnp "upside down" and a NPN input. Might help you out a little. But the ff oscillates like a bastard and I've tried a tonebender pnp neg gnd a while back and it never was 100% but there's ways to do it. check DIYSB they have a few threads on this kinda thing
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Re: BJFE Bone Bender 1

149 posts
Thanks Dex. I'll take a look at those topics you mentioned.