BJFE Pale Green Compressor

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Re: BJFE Pale Green Compressor

Finally got around to debugging this thing (had a busy summer!).  Ended up being a tantalum 104 coming from Tone A1 after the 5k6 resistor that got mixed in the bag with the tantalum 105's.  DOH!  Works great now.  Next up is the Diamante Plus.
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Re: BJFE Pale Green Compressor

Can I ask anyone who has built this whether the LED every completely darkens?  I got an email from someone who built one and although it sounds like it is working ok he has some concerns that the LED is always illuminated.

Of course this may be exactly what should be expected and why the pedal is working correctly  but it would be nice to know if anyone else has experienced similar just to remove any concerns.
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Re: BJFE Pale Green Compressor

Something isn't quite right about this.  In the scheme I have Comp 1 connects to pin 2 via a 2K2 resistor, in this layout is connects via a 22u cap and then a 2K2.  Is there a different version of the schematic including a cap that I haven't seen yet or something?
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Re: BJFE Pale Green Compressor

Occult Electronics
I am unable to get a clean tone from my build. The more I turn a Comp pot up, the more it distorts (starting at 8 o’ clock)

Any ideas what might be wrong?
