BYOC EA tremolo

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BYOC EA tremolo

I once built the BYOC tremolo and it was the best tremolo I ever tried. I've built other "improved" EA tremolo's but the improvements were never improvements to my ears.

I'm no good at working our vero layouts but I would love a vero layout of the schematic on the BYOC build doc. If anyone hasn't built this version before I highly recommend it as the best 'Subtle' tremolo out!

"The tremolo has become one of b.y.o.c.'s most popular kits through word of mouth. And with good reason....the difficulty of the build is low, it's simple to use, and it just sounds good. This kit is based on the EA(Electronics Austrailia) Tremolo. It's a great vintage sounding trem like you would find on an old tube amp. Straight forward - just "rate" and "depth". An internal trimpot lets you set the volume level. The amplitude modulation is done with transistors, so unlike most opto-coupler based trems, you don't get an "on/off" sound on slower speed settings and there is much less current draw. It's also a lot easier to build. Now with LED status light that blinks with LFO rate."
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Re: BYOC EA tremolo


This is the link to the version I am talking about with the schamatic available on the above link.

It's a low parts build so should be a quick vero to do :-)