BYOC Harmonic Tremolo

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BYOC Harmonic Tremolo

I'm new to this forum so first of all I want to thank you for making al the layouts. I already built quite a few of them.

I'm looking to build a transistor based harmonic tremolo since vactrols are very expensive where I live.
I found out BYOC has a harmonic tremolo.
I can't really find a lot of audio examples, but from what I do find it seems to sound good.

Original schematic can be found here:

Would be awesome to be able to build this on vero!
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Re: BYOC Harmonic Tremolo

Hey, don't worry, vactrols are unreasonably pricy everywhere for some reason (I suppose precision). You can easily "roll" your own with a led and a photo-resistor, just google it and you'll find info on this forum and others as well. It probably won't be the same, but you can experiment with different leds and resistors to find what suits you and that way you can actually find something even better than the original

Also, if you are in Europe, DSM components carry some cheap alternatives.