Ba282 vs ba283

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Ba282 vs ba283

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Hey guys, building a pedal that calls for ba282.  I'm having a hard time finding them but have some ba283.  Are they swapable?  How similar are they?  Thanks!
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Re: Ba282 vs ba283

Looks like they are pretty similar. Since you haven't told us what you're using them for, there's not much else we can say.
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Re: Ba282 vs ba283

I'm building a king of tone v1 from this site.  They were recommended by several people as a sub for the MA856. So they go in the feedback loop.
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Re: Ba282 vs ba283

Ok. They should be fine in this circuit. In fact, for feedback clipping I suspect the difference between them and any other silicon diode would be pretty subtle at most, but I haven't built this circuit, so who knows.