Balanced electret microphone circuit

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Balanced electret microphone circuit

In an attempt to cheaply reproduce something like the Cooper Time Cube, I need to interface two electret microphones to XLR3 mic connectors.

This page

gives two schematics, one titled balanced electret microphone circuit, and one better electret microphone phantom powering circuit.

Or I wonder if I should just get something like this Electret Microphone Amplifier - MAX4466 with Adjustable Gain from Adafruit.
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Re: Balanced electret microphone circuit

I've been wondering what to do with the electrets from Tayda. The bootlegger mic looks like a cool project that will plug directly into an iPhone and give you better sound quality than the stock mic (obviously it's not gonna be a U87 or even an SM57 for that matter)

I wish I had something to add, but I will be watching this thread for any ideas
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Re: Balanced electret microphone circuit

In reply to this post by heuermh
I thought I'd give it a try myself, but what does he mean by high-quality plastic film type capacitors?  I don't see any 100V or 630V poly film caps available as high as 10uF from the usual suspects.